
When working in schools as a special education teacher, I heard a lot about ‘pairing’ when you first start working with a child. This meant to pair myself with reinforcement so the student would find me reinforcing (and not hate my guts as their new teacher)....

ABA for Moms of Littles & SAHMs

Since becoming a new mom, I’ve felt like my brain has turned to mush. I’m pretty sure part of it has. Scientists- where is the research on mommy mush brain? I’m POSITIVE it’s a thing. In another lifetime, I spent my days managing a center that provided ABA therapy for...

Models with Disabilities

I loved this article about people with disabilities working as successful models. Have you seen the Target ads with the little kids with Down Syndrome? Or Gap? Or Nordstrom? I LOVE seeing disability awareness and equality in the ads in the Sunday paper. ALL people...