ABA INfographic

Here is a great infographic about some of the common misconceptions of Applied Behavior Analysis. I wish I could take credit for creating it, but the real creator is at the bottom of the image. 

Errorless Learning

Errorless learning means that we don’t let our kids make mistakes. We fully prompt them to prevent them from making the mistake or we physically change the situation to block the behavior or mistake from happening. I’m not telling you to do everything for your...

Token Economies for Moms

As moms, we want our kids to want to have good behavior. They should want to behave because it’s the right thing to do, right? Yeah right. Have you met a 3 year old with an innate desire to good for this world? It’s in there somewhere but at age 3, it’s more like...

Light it Up Blue

Today is World Autism Awareness Day. My family is all decked out in blue as we raise awareness for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Children with ASD will always hold a special place in my heart. I have learned so many important life lessons while working with students and...