“This essay tries to provide an esaily accessible case for the multiple benefits of ABA intervention for children with autism.”
This article is written by a mom of an adolescent with autism and disseminated by the Association for Behavior Analysis International. It logically lays out why ABA is the right choice for children with autism. It doesn’t rely heavily on scientific citations (though it does reference research), and it doesn’t use technical terminology.
This paper is for the every day person- not BCBAs. Then why do I say it’s a must read for all BCBAs? Because we all need reminders to lay off the jargon and simply describe the benefits of ABA.
The best target audience? The paper is written for parents but I would add that it would be good for educators and any other practitioners who are working with children with autism, also.
Examples from the article:
“Reason 7: Children with autism deserve ABA because it will help teach them how to sleep through the night and use the bathroom”
“…truly accepting a person means embracing the proposition that however disabled they might seem, they can learn. And through ABA, they can learn well.”
“…you can find opportunities to turn deficits into strengths when you put your ABA glasses on and think, ‘How can I use this preference? How can I take advantage of this behavior?”
“Parents need to know how to respond in the moment, both in terms of capturing motivation and also in terms of preventing mistakes.”

Read the whole thing for yourself. Save it. Print it. Share it.